CGC Jhanjeri Celebrates Students' Success on Placement Day!


CGC Jhanjeri proudly commemorates the remarkable achievements of its students on the occasion of Placement Day, held on January 19th, 2024. This day served as a momentous occasion to honor and celebrate the students who have realized their dream careers, symbolizing their dedication and perseverance.

A spirit of festivity and pride marked the event as CGC Jhanjeri extended heartfelt congratulations to each student for their outstanding accomplishments. Mr. Arsh Dhaliwal, Managing Director of CGC Jhanjeri, expressed immense pride in the students' achievements, emphasizing the institution's unwavering commitment to nurturing talent and fostering an environment that contributes to personal and professional growth.

As CGC Jhanjeri continues to uphold its mission of empowering students to excel in their chosen fields, Placement Day is a testament to the institution's dedication to student success and excellence.