Sarvaswa Club

Sarvaswa, The Literary Club of the Applied Sciences department at CEC, Jhanjeri is like a hub of creativity and intellect, where students come together to explore the world of literature in all its richness. It's not just about reading books; it's about unleashing your imagination, sharpening your mind, and finding your voice.

This club is all about building confidence and discovering talents you never knew you had. It's not just about what you can learn from books but also about what you can learn from each other. Through discussions, debates, and shared experiences, we grow together as thinkers, creators, and communicators.

Vision of the Club

At the heart of our club's vision lies a commitment to nurturing a deep appreciation for language and literature. Through engaging activities like departmental and inter-departmental quiz competitions, we aim to foster a love for linguistic exploration while enhancing critical thinking skills. By conducting seminars and facilitating group discussions and debates, we provide platforms for members to delve into diverse topics, honing their presentation and interpersonal communication abilities.

Moreover, our club catalyzes unleashing literary creativity. From declamation contests to creative writing sessions encompassing stories and dialogue crafting, we encourage members to express themselves freely and imaginatively. Through essay and article writing competitions, we cultivate the art of effective communication, empowering individuals to articulate their thoughts with clarity and precision.

Beyond literary pursuits, our club endeavors to equip members with a versatile skill set essential for personal and professional growth. We foster leadership qualities and teamwork by organizing activities such as drama performances, skits, and plays. Events like calligraphy competitions and poster presentations also promote organizational skills and aesthetic sensibilities. From learning how to organize your thoughts and present them persuasively, to developing leadership and communication skills, we're here to help you succeed, both inside and outside the literary world.

Faculty In Charge
Ms. Sonia Verma (Assistant Professor) Dr. Manmeet Singh
Committee Members
Ms. Suman Lata (Assistant Professor) Ms. Ramanjit Dhaliwal (Assistant Professor) Mr. Ashish Verma (Assistant Professor) Dr. Kamaljit Singh (Assistant Professor)